Generally speaking

General insurance is important for your peace of mind. It enables you
to minimise the effects of unexpected and often unwelcome future events,
and helps you to organise your personal and business life with greater
All motorists must be insured against their liability for injuries to
others (including passengers) and for damage to other people's property
resulting from use of a vehicle on the road. It is an offence to drive
your car or allow others to drive it without insurance.
We all love our holidays, but what if you fall ill or have an accident;
you could have money or luggage stolen; your holiday might be cancelled
or cut short through injury or illness; you might have a road accident
or have your car stolen. All these risks and more can be covered by a
holiday insurance policy. If you take your car abroad you can extend
your UK motor insurance policy.
You need to consider two kinds of household insurance policy. Buildings
insurance, which covers the structure of your home and any fixtures and
fittings, and contents insurance, which covers all the furniture, furnishings
and the like in your home. In fact, it covers anything you would take
with you if you moved.
The sum insured under a buildings policy must be the full rebuilding
cost of your home. As well as covering you against a long list of 'risks'
(including fires, subsidence, theft, flood and storm) both types of policy
include an important 'liability' section. This pays for compensation
if you are successfully sued.
Insurance can be arranged according to the class of your boat.
Business insurance
There are many aspects of business insurance to consider, including:
buildings and contents, employers liability, professional indemnity,
book debts, loss of money, public/products liability, goods in transit,
deterioration of stock, consequential loss, all of which could affect
offices, factories, vehicles and staff. Legal expenses insurance may
also be worth considering.